CME Course | Price: $25.00 | Credits: 0.75

The Physician Shortages: Complex Causes and Some Complex Solutions for a Complex Problem

Physician shortages in the U.S. is a longstanding and well-recognized problem; the shortage affects access to health care throughout the country, but...

Abstract | April 6, 2022

Design and Implementation of a Leadership Assessment Instrument to Evaluate Medical Student Leadership in Team-Based Simulations

Physician leadership in the clinical setting is a crucial skill that improves team dynamics and patient outcomes. Yet, medical graduates often assume the leadership role without formal training or iterative feedback.

Abstract | May 6, 2021

The Benefits of Peer-Lead Mock Focused Exam Workshops

Mock examinations are commonplace in many academic settings and are offered as a study aid to students with the hope of lowering stress levels and increasing their preparedness for the actual exam. In contrast, mock exams are rarely offered by faculty in clinical training due to their expense and administrative burden.

Abstract | December 16, 2022

Blunt Trauma/Impalement from Deer Leading to Delayed Intestinal Injury

In this case, we will discuss a 49-year-old Caucasian male presenting with small bowel obstruction and perforation after being attacked by a deer.

Podcast | Business of Medicine | January 31, 2020

Engaging Your Healthcare Leadership

In the podcast, “Engaging Your Healthcare Leadership”, Roz Lindsay, a leadership coach and trainer, who has more than 25 years’ experience in...

Abstract | March 24, 2024

The Impact of Participating in American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Leadership Training Programs

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of participating in four prominent leadership programs offered by the AOA, understand why orthopaedic surgeons participate in these programs, and in what ways leadership training can further improve.

Abstract | November 18, 2023

Acute Abdominal Pain Leading to Paraganglioma Diagnosis

64-year-old male without significant medical history presented with 3-day history of right lower quadrant abdominal pain radiating to right groin.

Posted in: Medicine & Medical Specialties74

Abstract | November 6, 2020

A Rare case of anorexia nervosa leading to hypoklameic nephropathy

Although the complications of psychiatric conditions are vast, irreversible kidney damage as the leading cause of death is an infrequent occurrence. There have not been many documented cases that discuss how an eating disorder results in chronic metabolic disturbance due to permanent scarring of the renal interstitum.

Posted in: Nephrology and Urology2 Medicine & Medical Specialties74 Eating Disorders (Not Including Obesity)1

Abstract | March 24, 2024

Lead Screening in Pediatric Patients at the UT St. Francis Family Medicine Clinic​

This project evaluated rates of lead screening at the UT St. Francis Family Medicine Residency clinic according to the Tennessee Department of Health (TN DOH) guidelines and proposed quality improvement strategies based on several factors that potentially prevent routine screenings.

2024 Physicians-In-Training Leadership Conference

Abstract | November 8, 2021

Preliminary Analysis of Computed Tomography versus Physical Exam in the Diagnosis of Peri-Anal Abscesses

Anal gland obstruction causes 90% of peri-anal abscesses, with only 10% attributed to other causes. The incidence of peri-anal abscesses is unknown, due to single-institution publications and variation in the setting that treatment is performed.

SMJ // Invited Commentary // 07.01.14

Commentary on “Knowledge and Management of Sports Concussions among Coaches and Certified Athletic Trainers in Alabama”

Concussions are everywhere, or so it would seem from the meteoric rise in attention they have received in our society. I am not a gray-haired wizard...

CME Course | Price: $25.00 | Credits: 1.0

Physician Leader, Humble Thyself: Balancing Narcissism and Humility in Healthcare Leadership

Data on expert leadership have shown numerous benefits, including enhanced job satisfaction, productivity, and job retention. Similarly, many of the...

SMJ // Special Section // 07.01.22

SMA’s 2nd Annual Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference Abstract Presentations

The following abstracts were accepted and presented during Southern Medical Association’s Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference, held...

SMJ // Special Section // 07.03.23

SMA’s 3rd Annual Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference Abstract Presentations

The following abstracts were accepted and presented during Southern Medical Association’s Third Annual Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference...

SMJ // Special Section // 07.03.24

SMA’s 4th Annual Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference Abstract Presentations

These abstracts were accepted and presented during Southern Medical Association’s 4th Annual Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference that took...

SMJ // // 10.13.17

Leadership Acceptance Agreement


News | March 4, 2024

Congratulations to the Abstract Winners from SMA’s Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference

Congratulations to the winners of this year's Abstract Competition! Orals 1st Place Jordan Beam, BS University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine  “Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cells Effect on Tumor Microenvironment”   2nd Place Meet Patel, MD University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine  “Portosystemic Shunt Occlusion...

News | May 7, 2021

Abstracts from the Inaugural Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference

Session 1 Opening Session Keynote Speaker Advocacy 101: A Primer for Practitioners, Christopher Morris, MD, SMA 2021 President Session 2 Risk Factors Associated with a Positive Tuberculin Skin Tests in Homeless Populations Across Six Student-run Clinics, Robert H. Drury, BS A Rare Case of COVID+ve Goodpasture Syndrome with Gastric Perforation,...

News | April 19, 2021

The Abstract and Carnival Cup Winners of the 2021 Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference

Poster Abstract Winners 1st Place MIS-terious Presentation of Multi-Organ Failure, Maritza T Harper, MD 2nd Place STK11 Loss in Lung Adenocarcinoma Drives Putrescine and GABA: A Potential Target to Reverse Immunosuppression and Inhibit Altered Metabolism,  Trent Ryan Percy, BS 3rd Place Risk Factors Associated with a Positive Tuberculin Skin Tests...

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