



In Memory

In Memoriam Dr. Edwin Hugh Lawson 1899-1963

Original Article

Mechanisms of Intestinal Gas Formation with Reference to Carbon Dioxide

The authors show that appreciable amounts of the carbon dioxide in intestinal gas are derived from carbonates from interaction of digestive juices. They consider the several aspects of the origin of intestinal gas and also its effect upon colonic motility.

Original Article

Uterine Inertia Additional Factors in Etiology and Treatment

The author has expressed the hope that others with better experimental facilities and by careful studies may find some substantiation for his impressions and observations.

Original Article

A Modification of the Marsupialization Operation for Pilonidal Disease

Though the marsupialization technic of managing this disease has been accepted as standard procedure, the author believes he has reduced the healing time and occasional complications during healing by a modification of the usual technic.

Original Article

Midline Scalp Lesions

Midline scalp lesions present interesting diagnostic problems as well as therapeutic hurdles.

Original Article

Group Practice in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Original Article

The Changing Pattern of Syphilis

With the nationwide increase in the incidence of syphilis, the practitioner should again include the disease in his differential diagnosis, both as related to early and late manifestations. Much of the rising incidence has been the result of a failure to employ epidemiologic methods so successful in the past in…

Original Article

Ideals and Responsibilities of the Radiologist

Original Article

Fractures of the Femur

This most interesting historical review of treatment of the fractured femur throughout the ages, ends with questions which may cause the surgeon to pause and tax his judgment to the utmost.

Original Article

Medical Grand Rounds from the University of Alabama Medical Center

Original Article

Treatment of Chronic Cutaneous Lesions by Occlusive Dressings

The use of this method of local treatment seems to have much to offer in the treatment chronic skin lesions, especially of psoriasis.

Original Article

Modern Travel and Coccidioidomycosis

Just as exotic diseases of foreign lands are brought to this continent by the shrinking world of travel, so too within our own country one finds examples of disease displaced outside its endemic regions.

Original Article

Limitations of Diagnostic Studies in Demonstrating Biliary Tract Disease Producing Colic

A good history is still a diagnostic tool which should not be discarded lightly for the so-called “objective“ methods of diagnosis. This brief discussion emphasizes this.

Original Article

The Hidden Viable Tubercle Bacilli: A Threat to the Patient’s Health?

The author emphasizes the discrepancy between the incidence of cultures of sputum and from tissues removed at operation. This points to frequent and continued presence of infection in a high percentage of cases following drug therapy, in patients who have persistent radiologic evidence of either cavitation or infiltrates.

Original Article

Fetal Cells in Maternal Blood

The author calls attention to the incidence of the leakage of fetal blood into the maternal circulation, as the factor leading to iso-immunization.

Original Article

Chloroquine: Therapeutic Indications and Side Effects

In spite of their side effects, the authors believe that chloroquine and related drugs are safe in terms of their, at times, extraordinary value in such diseases as discoid lupus, polymorphic light eruptions and as a prophylaxis against skin cancers.

Original Article

Carcinoma of the Ovary

The author emphasizes the difficulties in diagnosis and the gloomy prospects for improvement of the cure rate without an early diagnosis which is not simple. The place of therapeutic approaches to the disease is carefully considered.

Original Article

The Significance of Granulomatous Changes in the Colon in Ulcerative Colitis

This paper differentiates between ulcerative colitis with and without granulomatous lesions. Not only are the pathologic findings different, but clinical studies and information point to probable differing disease entities. What the implications are in the matter of treatment are not clear as yet.

Original Article

Clinical Evaluation of Intralesional Administration of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate in Several Diseases

The author has made some interesting observations upon the use of this drug by injection into skin lesions. If these findings can be substantiated the drug used parenterally has some interesting and potential uses.

Original Article

Postpartal Heart Disease

This is a topic about which there has been controversy. The discussions have hinged around etiology and pathogenesis. Does this myocarditis represent one of specific nature related to pregnancy, or does it represent myocarditis of other origin and occurring coincidental to pregnancy?

Original Article

The Wide Field of Usefulness of the Sulfa Drugs in Dermatology

In the practice of medicine and surgery in general, the antibiotics have overshadowed the first effective antibacterial drugs offered the medical profession—the sulfonamides. That they have a place in selected diseases has been illustrated in this paper.

Original Article

Observations on the Etiology of Pilonidal Diseases

The author speculates upon the origin and pathogenesis of this curious disease.

Southern Medical News


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