
Multidisciplinary Clinical Case Study

Authors: G. Richard Holt, MD, MSE, MPH, MABE, DBioethics


This issue of the Southern Medical Journal (SMJ) introduces a new format for case reports that emphasizes and requires multidisciplinary and interprofessional content. After a 5-year moratorium on unidimensional and singlespecialty case reports, we believe that the multidisciplinary clinical case study format will align with the Journal’s mission as a broad-based, interprofessional, clinically focused educational journal. Because the comprehensive clinical care of a patient in the current healthcare environment is a team effort, the SMJ strives to present relevant and patient-focused articles from a wide range of professionals who contribute to patient care. Although the SMJ’s subject headings reflect the breadth of specialty care categories, we consider manuscripts submitted by a wide range of healthcare professionals. It is our belief that clinicians and their patients benefit from scientific journalism that includes the perspectives and expertise of the many professionals who effectively contribute to patient care.

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