Primary Article

Associated Anomalies of Mullerian and Wolffian Duct Structures



ABSTRACTOver a ten-year period, we identified 457 patients with renal or uterine anomalies. Only 12 of 55 patients with anomalies of mullerian development had an intravenous pyelogram, which revealed an associated renal anomaly in five. Conversely, only two of 21 women with renal anomalies had a gynecologic evaluation; one of them had a bicornuate uterus. Although the association between anomalies of mullerian and wolffian development has been known for some time, the appropriate studies to demonstrate such an association are not routinely done in clinical practice. All female patients with congenital renal anomalies of size, position, or number should have either ultrasonography (in children) or hysterosalpingography (in adults). All patients with congenital uterine or vaginal anomalies should have an intravenous pyelogram.

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