Letter to the Editor

Authors’ Response

Authors: Ryan D. Aycock, MD, MS, Dara Ann Kass, MD


To the Editor:

We are pleased that our article1 could be viewed as a useful tool for clinicians who encounter patients with urine discoloration. Dr Chong2 is indeed correct that the purple discoloration from purple urine bag syndrome seems to occur from staining of the polymer used in making a Foley bag.2 We reread our discussion of the pathophysiology of this disorder and saw that we did not fully emphasize this point and may have led readers astray. Regardless of the exact color of the urine outside the bag, because the urine looks purple once the condition is discovered by the patient or caregiver, we prefer to describe it as purple urine.3

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1. Aycock RD, Kass DA. Abnormal urine color. South Med J 2012; 105: 43–47.
2. Su FH, Chung SY, Chen MH, et al. Case analysis of purple urine-bag syndrome at a long-term care service in a community hospital. Chang Gung Med J 2005; 28: 636–642.
3. Aycock RD. A case of purple urine bag syndrome in a patient with an ileal conduit. Int J Nephrol Urol 2010; 2: 580–583.