Invited Commentary

Commentary on "Does Ambulance Response Time Influence Patient Condition among Patients with Specific Medical and Trauma Emergencies?"

Authors: Kevin M. Boehm, DO, MSc


It’s a run-of-the-mill day in a community emergency department (ED) when the emergency medical services (EMS) radio suddenly comes on. The shrill voice announces: “Priority one traffic, chest pain.” The call from EMS describes a 49-year-old man with significant cardiac history, diaphoretic appearance, and vague ST changes on lead II. Estimated time of arrival is 5 to 8 minutes. The resuscitation team gathers in resuscitation bay 2 and waits. Minutes seem like hours as the clock ticks by. Twenty-two minutes later the crew rolls in, the patient appears toxic, and the crew mutters, “We got stuck by the train,” as they give their full report.

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