
Exploring Communication about Fall Risk and Prevention between Internal Medicine Residents and Geriatric Patients: A Needs Assessment: Erratum

Authors: None Available


In the February 2024 issue of Southern Medical Journal in the article by Thomas et al., “Exploring Communication about Fall Risk and Prevention between Internal Medicine Residents and Geriatric Patients: A Needs Assessment,” the incorrect graphics were used for Figures 2 and 3. The original legends were correct. The correct figures and their legends are shown below. Fig. 2. During visits in which fall history, risk, or prevention is discussed, who initiates this discussion most of the time (>50%)? Fig. 3. Factors assessed by residents during fall risk evaluation.

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Thomas ML, Anunobi U, Jackson CD. Exploring communication about fall risk and prevention between internal medicine residents and geriatric patients: a needs assessment. South Med J 2024;117:102–105.