Primary Article

Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Experience With 100 Patients



ABSTRACTThe experience with 100 consecutive patients in whom an inflatable penile prosthesis was implanted for the treatment of chronic erectile impotence over a two-year period is reported. Each patient was thoroughly evaluated by history, physical examination, psychologic investigation, and appropriate laboratory testing. Of these patients, the most common indication for prosthesis implantation was diabetes mellitus of adult onset, followed by vascular disease and radical pelvic surgery. Restoration of erectile function was accomplished in 99 patients. Mechanical complications and malfunction occurred in 12 patients; all such complications were surgically corrected in subsequent operative procedures. One diabetic patient experienced infection of the prosthesis, requiring its removal. The implantation of an inflatable penile prosthesis in properly selected patients, with careful surgical technique by a skilled and experienced surgeon, can produce excellent functional results and return of normal sexual activity.

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