Original Article

Patient-Level Characteristics Associated with Tobacco Users and Nonusers at a Student-Run Free Clinic

Authors: Alexandra Magaldino, MS, Corina Dang, BS, Emily In, BS, Ken Nguyen, BS, Oliver T. Nguyen, MSHI, Kartik Motwani, BS, David B. Feller, MD


Objectives: Many tobacco users are motivated to quit but lack the resources to do so. To date, studies characterizing tobacco users at student-run free clinics have used small sample sizes, which may not be large enough to detect differences across key variables. As such, we assessed sociodemographic differences between tobacco users and nonusers at a student-run free clinic using a pooled cross-sectional design.

Methods: We used patient-level data from the electronic health records for all of the patients who were seen during January 2012 to February 2020 inclusive. Our dependent variable was whether patients self-reported tobacco use. We assessed for differences across age, sex, race/ethnicity, and education level using a multivariable logistic regression model.

Results: Across 4264 patients, 28.7% reported tobacco use. When controlling for other factors, greater odds of tobacco use were observed in this cohort for patients who were male (odds ratio [OR] 1.690, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.468–1.944), those with educational attainment of 9th to 11th grade (OR 2.291, 95% CI 1.558–3.369), and those who were high school graduates/completed the General Education Development test (OR 1.849, 95% CI 1.295–2.638) compared with those with less than a high school education. Similarly, patients of older age had greater odds of tobacco use.

Conclusions: Our study found patient-level differences that may need to be integrated into improving the reach of intervention methods. Future research should look at a broader set of metrics (eg, geographic location, socioeconomic status) and ascertain reasons for sociodemographic differences observed.

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