
Rhinitis, Acute Sinusitis, and Chronic Sinusitis Affect Quality of Life

Authors: G. Richard Holt MD, MSE, MPH, MABE, DBioethics


In this issue of the Southern Medical Journal, we publish the first of three articles by the Dion group addressing nasal conditions, “Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis.”1 Subsequent issues will include the topics of acute sinusitis and approaches to managing chronic sinusitis. The importance of these topics rests in their high frequency of complaint to primary care physicians and their impact on a person’s quality of life. I daresay that nearly everyone, at some point in their lives, will complain about nasal stuffiness, nasal airway obstruction, nasal drainage and postnasal drip, and “sinus problems.” In many parts of the United States, these complaints are more frequent because of the environmental conditions present.

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1. Dion GR, Weitzel EK, McMains KC. Current approaches to diagnosis and management of rhinitis. South Med J. 2013; 106: 526–531.
2. Stewart M, Ferguson BJ, Fromer L. Epidemiology and burden of nasal congestion. Int J Gen Med. 2010; 3: 37–45.
3. Storms W. Allergic rhinitis-induced nasal congestion: its impact on sleep quality. Primary Care Respir J. 2008; 17: 7–18.