Letter to the Editor

Thrombocytopenia Following 90Yttrium Glass Microsphere Liver Radioembolization

Authors: Pawan Gundavaram, MD, Ron C. Gaba, MD


To the Editor: We read with interest the article by Yang et al1describing a case of profound transient thrombocytopenia after 90Yttrium resin microsphere therapy for surgically unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We have also recently encountered this uncommon adverse sequella of liver radioembolization after 90Yttrium glass microsphere (TheraSphere®; MDS Nordion, Ottawa, Canada) administration, and present it herein.

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1. Yang CW, Yen HH, Su WW, et al. Profound transient thrombocytopenia associated with 90Yttrium microsphere therapy for inoperable hepatoma. South Med J 2010;103:1264-1268.
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