Abstract | November 8, 2021

Improving Transition of Care from Pediatric to Adult Endocrinology for Adolescents with Diabetes

Presenting Author: Felicia Ilyssa Cooper, M.D., Pediatrics PGY2, Department of Pediatrics, Nemours Children's Hospital, Orlando, FL, Orlando, FL

Coauthors: Neha Vyas, MD, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Nemours Children's Hospital, Orlando, FL.

Learning Objectives

  1. Explain the challenges adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes face in transitioning from pediatric to adult care;
  2. Describe the features of our transition program. 

Adolescence is a challenging time in a child’s life, and can be even more stressful for those with a chronic medical condition, such as diabetes. Diabetics have been shown to have worsening glycemic control as they enter adulthood. Contributing factors include increasing insulin resistance, insurance difficulties, escalation of risk-taking behaviors, and delay in transitioning from pediatric care to adult care for their diabetes. Data suggests that having a formalized process and beginning transition preparation in early adolescence leads to better transition outcomes. Our aim was to create a transition of care program for our patients with diabetes.

The initial focus was to begin discussion of transition of care with patients and families in early adolescence. Further improvements have included assessing readiness to transition, designing a curriculum centered around adolescent-specific issues and how they relate to diabetes control, and forming connections with adult endocrinologists in the area to establish a seamless transition process. The effectiveness of the program will be evaluated by comparing patient and caregiver satisfaction before and after our clinic’s formal transition process is implemented. We hope that once this process is created, we will be able to share our experience with other divisions and primary care practices in our institution to improve transition to adult care for all patients.