Abstract | November 8, 2021

The Collaborative of Pediatric American Indian Trainees (CoPAInT): Building a National Network for Trainees Interested in Native American Child Health

Presenting Author: Joseph Burns, MD, Pediatrics Resident, PGY3, Department of Pediatrics, Cohen Children's Medical Center of New York, Queens, New York, Glen Oaks, NY

Coauthors: Alessandra C. Angelino, MD, MPH, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Jeremy Gneck, MD, University of Arizona, Diamond Children’s Medical Center; Allison Empey, MD, Oregon Health & Science University

Learning Objectives

  1. CoPAInT exists to promote medical trainee engagement in advocacy and policy work centered on the health of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) children. 
  2. Currently, CoPAInT is composed of more than 100 members from across the United States, ranging from high school students to attending subspecialists.
  3. As CoPAInT grows, we aspire to have broader national representation in diverse locations across the country. 

Aims: CoPAInT exists to promote medical trainee engagement in advocacy and policy work centered on the health of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) children. This organization is the first of its kind designed specifically to meet the needs of medical students, residents, and fellows in pediatrics. Within pediatrics, AI/AN trainees and allies who are passionate about AI/AN child health lack a formal organization to connect and collaborate. CoPAInT has the potential to educate and provide mentorship opportunities to these trainees 

Organizational History: CoPAInT was conceived in late 2019. The first collection of members formed in Winter 2020. A small meeting of the original membership convened in Spring 2020, with formal recruitment efforts beginning in June 2020. The first general membership meeting was in August 2020. 

Current Membership: Currently, CoPAInT is composed of more than 100 members from across the United States, ranging from high school students to attending subspecialists. The group has hosted three quarterly meetings with guest speaks from across the country. The robust mailing list has shared more than 30 opportunities for trainees to collaborate, learn and connect with leaders in the field. 

Current Projects: Organizational leaders are currently developing a mentorship program to connect members with attendings in areas of interest. In addition, coordinating mentorship opportunities for members with high school and college students. Additional aims include a needs assessment to determine areas of improvement in medical education, recruitment, and retention. These are all alongside efforts to improve recruitment and opportunities available for members. 

Future Directions: As CoPAInT grows, we aspire to have broader national representation in diverse locations across the country. We aim to establish collaborative partnerships with other trainee groups that share our advocacy goals and mission. In addition, we look to generate scholarly works by our members and organization and promote advocacy efforts addressing pediatric health needs at the local and national level. We are also working to expand our online presence through website, and social media platforms.