Original Article

Out-of-Hospital Birth in Medical Education: A Thematic Analysis of Question Banks for Medical Licensing Examinations in the United States

Authors: Magdalene R. Lederer, DO, Daniel J. Hurst, PhD, ThM


Objectives: This study assessed the content of US Medical Licensing Examination question banks with regard to out-of-hospital births and whether the questions aligned with current evidence.

Methods: Three question banks were searched for key words regarding out-of-hospital births. A thematic analysis was then utilized to analyze the results.

Results: Forty-seven questions were identified, and of these, 55% indicated a lack of inadequate, limited, or irregular prenatal care in the question stem.

Conclusions: Systematic studies comparing prenatal care in out-of-hospital births versus hospital births are nonexistent, leading to the potential for bias and adverse outcomes. Adjustments to question stems that accurately portray current evidence are recommended.
Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology76 Pregnancy32

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