Human: Trafficking: Protecting Your Children From On-Line Predators, Exploitation and ‘Sugaring’
This content and video by the Children's Policy Cooperative (CPC) of JeffersonCounty were created for the Safe & Healthy Homewood Coalition Forum that took place in January 2021.
COVID has increased on-line learning, a great way for children to do research, gain new knowledge and to get help with school work. But, online predators are hiding behind the anonymity that the Internet provides. We need to all take this threat seriously to protect our children. Learn specific steps you can take to educate, prevent and respond to on-line grooming and predators threatening your children's safety and security.
What is “sugar dating” and "sugaring"? Does it have anything to do with "sugar babies” and “sugar daddies? Is it a form of human trafficking? Did you know the University of Alabama among the nation's top campuses for recruiting "sugar babies" and it is now becoming prevalent among teens. Sugaring puts youth and young adults in situations where the end game is manipulation and sexual exploitation.
Equip yourself and your children to recognize, rethink and respond to on-line predators.