SMA is excited to announce NAIFA Partnership

For over a century, the Southern Medical Association has supported medical professionals of every stripe, creating what we’re proud to call a true family of medicine. As medicine has evolved, so have we, even as our mission — providing our members with everything they need to improve the quality of patient care — has remained unchanged.
SMA offers a vast range of products and services, including:
- Premiere Education: Taking full advantage of the collective expertise of our membership, we’ve provided thousands of hours of continuing medical education courses; and published more than 46,000 peer-reviewed articles in our premiere publication, the Southern Medical Journal
- Financial Support: Through the contributions of our members, we’ve been able to provide more than $3.5 million in research grants, loans, and scholarships
- Practice Management Services: Through SMA Services, Inc., we offer a range of financial services, insurance products, and other tools to medical practices of every size and specialty.
- Professional Networking Opportunities: As a family of medicine, we work hard to create an environment of mutual support and a free exchange of ideas. That includes online discussions, mentorship programs, in-person conferences, and more.
Every year, those benefits grow — as does our reach. What began as a regional organization in 1906 has become a truly national organization, with 66% of our members practicing outside the American South. To better serve the medical community nationwide, we strive to partner with other organizations whose goals align with our own, who can help support our mission just as we support theirs.
We’re pleased to announce our newest educational partner: NAIFA, the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors. Together, SMA and NAIFA will provide financial professionals and consumers across the country with broader access to SMA’s unique educational offerings. In addition, SMA will advance its position as a thought leader by providing content for NAIFA’s blog posts, social media platforms, Advisor Today magazine, and more.
More Details Can Be Found Here
Our partnership with NAIFA is just one more way we at SMA aim to improve the practice of medicine — another step in our continual evolution. We look forward to discovering all that we can do, together, for our family of medicine.