Review Article

Advances in the Endoscopic Management of Patients with Pancreatic and Biliary Malignancies

Authors: William R. Brugge, MD


Major advances in endoscopic techniques to diagnose and manage pancreatic biliary diseases have fundamentally changed the approach to these difficult clinical challenges. The diagnosis of benign and malignant pancreatic-biliary diseases is much more readily obtained through a combination of cross-sectional imaging and endoscopic procedures. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) are the most important endoscopic tools for imaging and accessing the pancreatic biliary system. The review summarizes the major imaging methods for providing a diagnosis of bile duct malignancy, including ERCP, transhepatic cholangiography (THC), and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). High quality image examples of cholangiocarcinoma are provided. EUS has provided a new imaging modality for the detection of pancreatic and biliary malignancy. EUS is particularly sensitive for the detection of early pancreatic malignancy. Furthermore, EUS excels at the guidance of fine needle aspiration of pancreatic lesions. Diagnostic tissue acquisition for cholangiocarcinoma remains an important challenge. The endoscopic therapy for pancreatic-biliary malignancy involves the use of stenting which relieves the biliary obstruction commonly seen in these patients.

Key Points

* Cholangiography can be provided by transhepatic, endoscopic, or radiologic (MRI) approaches.

* A focal, irregular, extrahepatic bile duct stricture is the hallmark for the imaging diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma.

* Brush cytology of the bile duct is an insensitive test for the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma.

* Endoscopic ultrasound provides a new imaging modality for the detection and biopsy of pancreatic and bile duct masses.

* Endoscopic stenting is the method of choice for providing palliation from malignant biliary obstruction.

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