Case Report

Celiac Disease Occurring in a Patient with Hypoparathyroidism and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

Authors: Hasnain M. Khandwala, MD, FRCPC, Rajni Chibbar, MD, FRCPC, Anil Bedi, MD, FRCPC


Patients with an underlying autoimmune endocrine disorder are at an increased risk of developing other autoimmune diseases. We describe a patient with idiopathic autoimmune hypoparathyroidism who developed hyperthyroidism due to Graves disease and subsequently was diagnosed with celiac disease. Malabsorption of L-thyroxine was the only clue regarding the presence of celiac disease. This particular association of these three autoimmune disorders occurring in the same patient has not, to our knowledge, been previously reported. The presentation, investigations performed, and treatment provided are discussed and the literature pertaining to similar cases is reviewed.

Key Points

* Patients with one autoimmune endocrine disorder have an increased risk of developing other autoimmune diseases.

* The association between autoimmune thyroid disease and celiac disease is common.

* Celiac disease may present only as malabsorption of L-thyroxine.

* The association of Graves disease, hypoparathyroidism and celiac disease in one patient has not, to our knowledge, been reported previously.

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