Letter to the Editor

Clinical Stages of Lymphedema Based on the Therapeutic Response and Maintenance of the Results

Authors: Jose Maria Pereira de Godoy, MD, PhD, Maria de Fatima Guerreiro Godoy, OT, PhD


To the Editor: Lymphedema is a clinical condition stemming from a failure in the lymphatic system that compromises the formation or drainage of lymph. There are several clinical classifications based on epidemiological findings, clinical stages, the severity of the edema, and the age at which primary lymphedema emerges.1,2

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1. Lee BB, Antignani PL, Baroncelli TA, et al. IUA-ISVI consensus for diagnosis guideline of chronic lymphedema of the limbs. Int Angiol 2015;34:311–332.
2. Rockson SG. Lymphedema. Vasc Med 2016;21: 77–81.
3. Pereira de Godoy JM, Pereira de Godoy HJ, Pereira de Godoy LM, et al. Prevalence of idiopathic cyclic edema in women with lower limb lymphedema. J Clin Med 2017;7:E2.
4. Pereira de Godoy JM, Pereira de Godoy LM, Pereira de Godoy AC, et al. Bariatric surgery and the evaluation of subclinical systemic lymphedema. J Surg Case Rep 2019;2:1–3.