Original Article

College Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs about the 2017–2018 H3N2 Influenza Virus and Vaccination

Authors: Alexander P. Oliver, MS, M. Allison Ford, PhD, Martha A. Bass, PhD, Marie Barnard, PhD


Objectives: To observe the state of knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding the effectiveness of the 2017–2018 H3N2 influenza virus vaccine in a representative sample of college students and determine how many students experienced flu-like symptoms, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Methods: In March 2018, a 19-item survey related to the 2017–2018 flu virus vaccine was e-mailed to a random sample of 4961 rural southeastern university undergraduate and graduate students. A total of 634 students participated.

Results: Among 634 respondents, 37.5% received a flu vaccination. Knowledge about the flu was significantly associated with the decision to be vaccinated (χ2 = 18.68, P < 0.001). Of those who received the vaccine, 25.2% reported that they knew “a lot” about the flu. Approximately 28.8% of respondents believed the vaccine to be “very effective” (n = 145).

Conclusion: Increased knowledge about the flu indicates an association with a higher rate of flu vaccinations among college students.
Posted in: Infectious Disease149

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