Invited Commentary

Commentary on “Primary Care Providers’ Comfort Levels in Caring for Patients With Sickle Cell Disease”

Authors: Richard J. Lin, MD, PhD


Perhaps no other disease entity has generated as much discussion as sickle cell disease (SCD) in terms of multidisciplinary management. During its long, illustrious history in modern medicine, disciplines such as hematology, pain management, palliative care, psychiatry, and addiction have played important roles in its management.1 The role of primary care is essential, however, because SCD is truly a multisystem disease with many complications requiring both primary and specialty care. Primary care excels in coordinating care, triaging urgent care issues, and promoting health maintenance and longitudinal patient–provider relationships2; however, several key issues of sickle cell care are unique and require special attention, training, and certain levels of competences from primary care physicians.

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11. Stettler N, McKiernan CM, Melin CQ, et al. Proportion of adults with sickle cell anemia and pain crises receiving hydroxyurea. JAMA 2015;313:1671-1672.