Expired CME Article

Crohn Disease of the Esophagus: A Review of the Literature

Authors: Jacob Feagans, MD, David Victor, MD, Virendra Joshi, MD


Esophageal Crohn disease is a difficult disease both to diagnose and treat. The diagnosis is made in patients with other extraintestinal manifestations of Crohn disease in whom other esophageal pathology has been ruled out. This often requires integration of clinical, endoscopic, radiographic, and histologic findings. Despite its relative rarity, it does cause severe symptoms that are difficult to treat. Treatment requires careful integration of medical, endoscopic, and surgical techniques. This review aims to discuss the significant literature regarding diagnosis and treatment of this important manifestation of inflammatory bowel disease. There is additional discussion of the literature regarding the efficacy of newer medical and endoscopic therapies, including biologic agents and removable polymer stents.

Key Points

* Esophageal Crohn disease is important in that it must be recognized and treated promptly and appropriately.

* The diagnosis of esophageal Crohn disease requires the integration of clinical, endoscopic, radiographic, and histologic findings.

* Treatment requires careful integration of medical, endoscopic, and surgical techniques.

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