Original Article

CME Article: Factors Affecting Patient Adherence to Lung Cancer Screening

Authors: Christina Bellinger, MD, Kristie Foley, PhD, Frank Genese, MD, Aaron Lampkin, DO, Stephen Kuperberg, MD


Objectives: The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) demonstrated a 20% reduction in mortality with low-dose computed tomography (CT) for lung cancer screening (LCS). The NLST found the greatest benefit to LCS for patients who underwent annual screening for a full 3-year follow-up period. The adherence to serial imaging in the NLST was 95%.

Methods: We conducted a prospective study of 268 patients who presented for LCS and who were not enrolled in a research study to determine the adherence to recommended follow-up imaging and biopsy at a single center. We evaluated the correlations among sociodemographic characteristics, Lung Imaging and Reporting Data System, and adherence.

Results: Only 48% of the patient population received recommended follow-up (either imaging or biopsy) after their referent LCS. Patients with abnormal LCS (Lung Imaging and Reporting Data System 3 or 4) were more likely to adhere to the recommended follow-up (additional imaging or biopsy) compared with those with negative screens. Sex, ethnicity, smoking status, and household income were not correlated with adherence to screening and biopsy.

Conclusions: The benefits from LCS observed in the NLST may be undermined by low adherence to follow-up screening. Studies targeting LCS patients to bolster adherence to follow-up are needed.

Posted in: Medical Oncology47

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