Expired CME Article

Influenza: A Historical Perspective

Authors: Felix A. Sarubbi, MD


Although pandemics of influenza seem to have occurred throughout history, the first well-recorded pandemic occurred in 1580. 1 This outbreak seems to have originated in Asia and subsequently spread to Africa, Europe, and America. Mortality estimates were staggering, and several European cities experienced huge losses in their citizenry.

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1. Potter CW. A history of influenza. J Appl Microbiol 2001; 91: 572–579.
2. Cox NJ, Subbarao K. Global epidemiology of influenza: Past and present. Annu Rev Med 2000; 51: 407–421.
3. Glezen WP. Emerging infections: Pandemic influenza. Epidemiol Rev 1996; 18: 64–76.
4. Luk J, Gross P, Thompson WW. Observations on mortality during the 1918 influenza pandemic. Clin Infect Dis 2001; 33: 1375–1378.