Review Article
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis: Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Juvenile arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the childhood period (ages 0 to 16 years). This disease was first defined in the first half of the 16th century. In the course of time, its differential diagnosis and characteristics have been determined, and it has been classified. Incidence and prevalence values are 10 to 20 in 100,000 and 56 to 113 in 100,000, respectively. Various factors are suggested for its underlying cause. Its denomination is also in dispute. Treatment of juvenile arthritis includes education, medical treatment, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. This article summarizes the objectives and methods of physical therapy and rehabilitation that are important parts of treatment.
Key Points
* Juvenile arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the childhood period.
* Juvenile arthritis may lead to functional deficiency in the musculoskeletal system and blindness.
* Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is arbitrarily defined as arthritis beginning before the age of 16 years; nevertheless, onset before 6 months of age has been considered rare.
* Treatment of juvenile arthritis includes education, medical treatment, and physical and occupational therapy; a multidisciplinary approach is necessary for successful treatment.
* This report summarizes the methods and objectives of physical therapy, which is one of the essential parts of treatment.
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