Case Report

Metachronous Splenic Metastasis from Colonic Carcinoma Five Years After Surgery: A Case Report and Literature Review

Authors: Pierpaolo Sileri MD, MS, PhD, Stefano D’Ugo MD, Domenico Benavoli MD, Vito M. Stolfi MD, Giampiero Palmieri MD, Alessandra Mele MD, Achille L. Gaspari MD


Abstract:Metastatic lesions of the spleen are a rare finding and are generally associated with widespread disease. Moreover, solitary metastases of the spleen are exceptional. In this paper, we describe the case of a patient who developed an isolated splenic metastasis from colon carcinoma five years after surgery, and was successfully treated by splenectomy. We also review the scant literature experience discussing clinical diagnosis and approaches to this uncommon event.

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