Case Report

Ménétrier Disease in an Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Patient

Authors: Kevin M. DuPrey, BA, Shameer Ahmed, MD, Yehia Yousri Mishriki, MD


Ménétrier disease is a rare disorder of unknown etiology. An overexpression of TGF-α has been proposed to play a role in the pathophysiology. HIV-1 tat gene product has been shown to stimulate TGF-α production leading to a positive feedback autocrine loop. The case of a 41-year-old male with AIDS who presented with weight loss, abdominal pain, ascites, edema, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea is discussed. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen showed avid enhancement of the stomach mucosa. Magnetic resonance angiography revealed gastric and small bowel distention with diffuse wall thickening. Biopsies of the stomach showed marked foveolar hyperplasia with active inflammation and gland changes consistent with Ménétrier disease.

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