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Motor Vehicle Occupant Restraints and Alcohol Use While Driving

Authors: Juan March, MD


Motor Vehicle Occupant Restraints and Alcohol Use While Driving

As healthcare professionals, we are all well aware of the overwhelming evidence that car restraints reduce injury and death rates during motor vehicle crashes. The current prevalence of restraint use for certain age groups is approaching the goal set by Healthy People 2010 (100% usage for infants, more than 90% for those 1–3 years of age).1

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8 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Motor Vehicle Occupant Injury. The Community Guide. Available at: www.thecommunityguide.org/mvoi. Accessed February 27, 2008.
9. Safe Kids USA. Preventing accidental injury. Press Releases. Available at: www.usa.safekids.org/tier3_cd.cfm?folder_id=300&content_item_id=65307. Accessed February 27, 2008.