Letter to the Editor

Narrative Medicine in the Time of Pandemics: A Brief Course for Third-Year Medical Students

Authors: Sarah E. Stumbar, MD, MPH, Marquita Samuels, MBA, Suzanne Minor, MD


To the Editor: In March 2020, as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases increased in the United States, the Association of American Medical Colleges recommended that medical students not participate in direct patient contact because of concerns about their safety.1 There were particularly marked effects on clinical rotations, which were quickly reconfigured to enable students to continue their medical education while adhering to the Association of American Medical Colleges’ recommendations of avoiding in-person patient care.
Posted in: Infectious Disease146

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1. American Association of Medical Colleges. Important guidance for medical students on clinical rotations during the coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak. https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/ press-releases/important-guidance-medicalstudents-clinical-rotations-during-coronaviruscovid-19-outbreak. Published March 17, 2020. Accessed October 18, 2020.
2. Charon R. Narrative medicine: a model for empathy, reflection, profession, trust. JAMA 2001;286:1897–1902.
3. Camus A. The Plague. New York: Doubleday; 1948