Case Report
Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Upper Extremity Resulting From a Water Moccasin Bite
&NA; Aeromonas hydrophila infection has been described as the cause of necrotizing fasciitis in patients with suppressed immune systems, burns, or trauma in an aquatic setting. We report a case in which severe necrotizing fasciitis involving hand, arm, chest, and lateral side of trunk, along with toxic shock, developed after the patient was bitten by a venomous snake. Mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, including A hydrophila, were isolated from the wound culture. The patient was treated with antivenom, a diuretic regimen, broad spectrum antibiotics, and 18 separate surgical procedures. After the application of skin grafts, the wound completely healed. This case illustrates that a venomous snakebite may result in infection with A hydrophila and can cause severe necrotizing fasciitis. Early and aggressive surgical intervention should be implemented as soon as the necrotizing fasciitis is diagnosed.This content is limited to qualifying members.
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