Case Report

Orbital Hydatid Cyst in Childhood: A Report of Two Cases

Authors: Alexandru Vlad Ciurea, MD, Gambardella Giuseppe, MD, Theofilos G. Machinis, MD, Teodora Camelia Coman, MD, Kostas N. Fountas, MD, PHD


Abstract:Intraorbital hydatid disease (IHD) is quite rare and represents < 1% of the Echinococcus cases. In our current communication, we report two children with solitary, primary intraorbital hydatid cysts. Both children presented with nontender, nonpulsatile proptosis. Imaging workup, including CT and MRI scans of the head and the orbits, revealed a retro-bulbar cyst in both patients. Surgical resection was performed by employing a fronto-temporo-orbito-zygomatic (FTOZ) approach. Accidental intraoperative rupture occurred in one case with no further consequences. Albendazole was postoperatively employed for 12 weeks. Outcome was excellent in both cases with complete resolution of their symptoms and complete visual recovery. Pertinent literature was reviewed with this opportunity.

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