Original Article
Patient Demographics and Socioeconomic Characteristics of an Ambulatory Care Clinic Served by a University PCCM Training Program
Objectives: Continuity clinics are an important aspect of pulmonary medicine fellowship training. We provide a description of a pulmonary outpatient clinic in an inner city, county-owned, university-affiliated hospital.Methods: This is a descriptive study of administrative data on consecutive patient visits to the University of Tennessee Regional One Health at Memphis ambulatory clinic (Medplex) between January 2000 and August 2006. We describe demographics, socioeconomic characteristics, and the frequency of a pulmonary diagnosis of the outpatient population served by our training program. Continuous data were described by mean ± standard deviations and categorical data were described by percentage.
Results: The dataset included 2549 patients, 81% were African American with a mean age of 48.7 ± 13.7, 64.4% were women. Female/male body mass index was 34.6 ± 11.6 vs. 29.2 ± 10.3. Tenncare (Medicaid) covered 59.6 % of patients, whereas 11.1% were uninsured.
Conclusions: We provide evidence that one clinical setting may not be enough exposure to the entire lung pathology for pulmonary trainees. There is a need for further, larger, and prospective data collections to evaluate and guide changes regarding the structure of training programs.
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