Original Article

Prenatal Contraceptive Counseling by Video

Authors: S. Allison Staley, MD, MPH, Samantha S. Charm, MPH, Laurel B. Slough, DO, MSPH, Matthew L. Zerden, MD, MPH, Jessica E. Morse, MD, MPH


Objective: Effective postpartum contraception can improve interpregnancy intervals. Opportunities exist for counseling and education during prenatal care. Few studies have assessed the use of multimedia as a tool to improve long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) use postpartum. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether LARC-focused video counseling during prenatal care increases uptake of postpartum LARC and overall contraception use.

Methods: In this randomized controlled trial, women receiving their prenatal care at a university-based resident clinic were randomized to receive LARC FIRST video contraceptive counseling along with routine prenatal care or routine prenatal care alone. All of the participants received information regarding access to free LARC methods in the postpartum period. The primary outcome was LARC uptake by 12 weeks postpartum. Secondary outcomes included overall contraception use at 12 weeks postpartum, postpartum visit attendance, and acceptability of video counseling.

Results: LARC use at 12 weeks postpartum rose from an estimated 6% preintervention to 39.4% (13/33) in the video group compared with 29.4% (10/34) of the control group. The difference between groups was not statistically significant. Although overall contraceptive use (72.7% vs 54.8%) and postpartum visit attendance (91% vs. 76.5%) were higher in the video group relative to the control group, these differences were not statistically significant. Participants overwhelmingly liked the video (95.2%, 41/42) and believed viewing it was a good use of their appointment time (92%, 38/42).

Conclusions: LARC use increased 32% across the entire study cohort; however, video-based contraceptive counseling did not increase LARC uptake at 12 weeks postpartum compared with routine prenatal care alone. Patients viewing the video reported high levels of acceptability and improved contraceptive knowledge. Video counseling may be a useful adjunct in many clinical settings.
Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology85 Family Planning & Reproductive Health16

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