Original Article

Recent Trends and Challenges in Employment for Emergency Medicine Trainees: A Survey of Graduating Residents’ Perspectives

Authors: Josh Greenstein, MD, Jennifer Kaminsky, MD, Anthony Elias, DO, Aron Friedlander, BS, Barry Hahn, MD, Abbas Husain, MD


Objectives: The landscape of the emergency medicine (EM) workforce has undergone significant changes recently, posing challenges for residents who are about to graduate from EM training programs. The objective of this study was to survey graduating residents’ perceptions of the recent EM job market.

Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey study involving EM residents from programs in New York and New Jersey between August 2021 and November 2021. The survey consisted of 12 multiple-choice questions that focused on graduating EM residents’ perceptions of the EM job market, its impact on their job search, and their interest in pursuing fellowship training.

Results: During the study period, 436 survey results were collected from 26 EM residency programs. Of the 418 respondents, 233 (56%) expressed their intention to start their job search earlier than their counterparts in previous years, as highlighted by the survey. Among respondents, 141 (76%) postgraduate year (PGY)-2, 139 (79%) PGY-3, and 47 (85%) PGY-4 residents anticipated a challenging job search. Nearly 90% of respondents believed that the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic would affect both academic and nonacademic medical centers in terms of job openings. A total of 248 (59%) were interested in pursuing a fellowship after residency. Most residents preferred job opportunities on the East and West Coasts of the United States.

Conclusions: The findings highlight the increasing competitiveness and challenges residents face in securing their first job, the declining interest in pursuing fellowships as residents progress in their training, and the geographic preferences for job opportunities.

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