Case Report
Recurring Tracheal Papillomatosis Treated with Cryosurgery
Cryosurgery has proven effective in managing malignant tracheobronchial tumors, yet its role in benign lesions is not well established. A case of isolated tracheal papillomas recurring 15 years following laser surgery is reported. Cryosurgery allowed improvement in symptoms and adequate control of the papillomas.
Key Points
* Recurrent respiratory papillomas are characterized by repeated growth of benign papillomatous lesions along the epithelium of the respiratory tract, usually affecting the vocal cords and larynx.
* Tracheostomy for vocal cord and laryngeal papillomas may predispose children to distal tracheobronchial spread.
* Cryosurgery has been shown to be effective in managing advanced malignant bronchial tumors and for airway complications after lung and heart transplantation; there is very little in the literature describing its use with benign lesions.
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