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OPEN: Sex Differences in Stroke Hospitalization Incidence, 30-Day Mortality, and Readmission in a Regional Medical Center in the Southwestern United States

Authors: Jeff A. Dennis, PhD, Yan Zhang, PhD, Fangyuan Zhang, PhD, Noah De La Cruz, MPH, Greg Hannabas, MD, MPH, MPA, Nan Mi, MA


Objectives: This study explores sex differences in ischemic stroke hospitalization incidence, 30-day mortality, and 30-day readmission in a southwestern US medical center.

Methods: Ischemic stroke admissions in a regional medical center in the southwestern United States were obtained for a 6.5-year time frame (N = 1968). Logistic regression models examine the adjusted effects of sex on 30-day mortality and 30-day readmission outcomes among individuals hospitalized for ischemic stroke.

Results: Findings confirm that although women experience higher mortality than men (9.1% vs 6.7%), the sex disparity in mortality is explained by the age distribution of strokes. Women experience far more strokes and deaths because of stroke at older ages. No differences in principal procedure or 30-day readmission emerged.

Conclusions: Men experienced higher stroke hospitalization incidence, although women exhibited higher 30-day mortality. Age composition explained sex differences in mortality, but higher male stroke hospitalization incidence represents a larger public health issue that suggests the need for behavioral change at the population level. No meaningful sex differences emerged in treatment, mortality, or readmission.
Posted in: Neurology17

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