Original Article

Single-Institution Experience of Synovial Sarcoma

Authors: Amy Farkas, MD, Seth T. Lirette, PhD, Youssef Al Hmada, MD, Anderson B. Collier, MD, Jennifer Barr, MD, Srinivasan Vijayakumar, MD, Vani Vijayakumar, MD


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the patient population and outcomes of synovial sarcoma at a single institution.

Methods: A retrospective review of the medical records of 28 patients with synovial sarcoma diagnosed from 1992 to 2017 was performed. Demographics, staging, disease location, treatment, and response to treatment were reviewed.

Results: Individuals with larger tumors at the time of presentation had an increased risk of death. An additional factor associated with poor prognosis in synovial sarcoma was increasing patient age. The patient population had a higher rate of nonextremity disease and lower overall survival when compared with national averages.

Conclusions: Nonextremity disease and large size of tumor at presentation may have contributed to the disparity in institutional outcomes from the national averages. The advanced presentation of synovial sarcoma remains a significant challenge in improving patient survival.
Posted in: Medical Oncology48

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