Spirituality/Medicine Interface Project

Spirituality and Alcoholics Anonymous

Authors: J Scott Tonigan, PhD


Strong opinions, both pro and con, have been voiced about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It has been argued that AA is the most effective method to arrest alcoholism.1 In contrast, it has also been argued that AA is helpful to only 5% of the people who choose to affiliate with the organization.2 McCrady and Miller3 suggested that 1 in 10 Americans will attend a 12-step meeting in their lifetime, but Bufe2 asserted that a majority of individuals who seek relief from alcohol-related problems by attending AA are coerced to do so, with less than 1 in 30 remaining in AA after one year. Finally, a majority of outpatient and inpatient alcohol treatment programs in the United States routinely include referral to AA, with a recent survey indicating that 79% of all Veteran Affairs substance abuse programs in the United States make such referrals.4 Court orders to attend the spiritually based program of AA have been successfully challenged as unconstitutional in the United States. However, the Supreme Court has demonstrated unusual leniency in upholding this decision, eg, they levied a $1.00 fine. Ironically, while AA formally eschews public controversy, it has been a lightning rod for conflict among professionals and laypersons regarding the treatment of alcoholism.

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1. Snyder SH. Biological Aspects of Mental Disorders. New York, Oxford University Press, 1980.
2. Bufe C. Alcoholics Anonymous: Cult or Cure? San Francisco, Sharp Press, 1998.
3. McCrady BS, Miller WR (ed). Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: Opportunities and Alternatives. Piscataway, Rutgers Center for Alcohol Studie, 1993.
4. Humphreys K, Huebsch PD, Finney JW, et al. A comparative evaluation of substance abuse treatment: V. Substance abuse treatment can enhance the effectiveness of self-help groups. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1999;23:558–563.
5. Timko C, Moos RH, Finney JW, et al. Long-term outcomes of alcohol use disorders: comparing untreated individuals with those in alcoholics anonymous and formal treatment. J Stud Alcohol 2000;61:529–540.
6. Emrick CD, Tonigan JS, Montgomery HA, Little L. Alcoholics Anonymous: What is currently know? In: McCrady BS, Miller WR, (ed). Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: Opportunities and Alternatives. New Brunswick, Rutgers Center on Alcohol Studies, 1993, pp 41–76.
7. Tonigan JS, Hiller-Sturmhofel S. Alcoholics Anonymous: Who benefits? Alcohol Health and Research World 1994;18:303–310.
8. Tonigan JS. Benefits of Alcoholics Anonymous attendance: Replication of findings between clinical research sites in Project MATCH. Alcohol Treat Q 2001;19:67–78.
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10. Tonigan JS, Miller WR, Schermer C. Atheists, agnostics and Alcoholics Anonymous. J Stud Alcohol 2002;63:534–541.
11. Montgomery HA, Miller WR, Tonigan JS. Differences among AA groups: implications for research. J Stud Alcohol 1993;54:502–504.
12. Tonigan JS, Ashcroft F, Miller WR. AA group dynamics and 12-step activity. J Stud Alcohol1995;56:616–621.
13. Horstmann MJ, Tonigan JS. Faith development in Alcoholics Anonymous: A study of two AA groups. Alcohol Treat Q 2000;18:75–84.
14. Rascon C, Tonigan JS. A comparison of Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous member perceptions of group dynamics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2003;26(Suppl 5):648A (Abstract).
15. Tonigan JS, Carroll RL, Miller WR. AA group differences: Adoption of prescribed practices and beliefs. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2004;28(Suppl):136. (Abstract).
16. Tonigan JS, Toscova R. 12-step migration: A comparison of member characteristics and practices. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2005;29(Suppl):385. (Abstract).
17. Connors GJ, Tonigan JS, Miller WR. Religiosity and responsiveness to alcoholism treatments: Matching findings and causal chain analyses. In Longabaugh RH, Wirth PW (Ed), Project MATCH: A priori Matching Hypotheses, Results and Mediating Mechanisms. Rockville, US Government Printing Office, 2001.
18. Humphreys K, Kaskutas LA, Weisner C. The Alcoholics Anonymous Affiliation Scale: development, reliability, and norms for diverse treated and untreated populations. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1998;22:974–978.
19. Tonigan JS, Miller WR, Connors GJ. Meaning-seeking and treatment outcome: Matching findings and causal chain analyses. In Longabaugh RH, Wirth PW (Ed), Project MATCH: A priori Matching Hypotheses, Results and Mediating Mechanisms. Rockville, US Government Printing Office, 2001.
20. Montgomery HA, Miller WR, Tonigan JS. Does Alcoholics Anonymous involvement predict treatment outcome? J Subst Abuse Treat 1995;12:241–246.
21. Tonigan JS. Spirituality and AA Practices Three and Ten Years After Project MATCH. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2003;26 (Suppl):660A. (Abstract).
22. Pargament KI, Kendall J, Hathaway W, et al. Religion and the problems solving process: Three style of coping. J Sci Study Relig 1988;27:90–104.