Original Article

Standardized Surgical Video Curriculum for Teaching Residents Principles of Abdominal Hysterectomy

Authors: Roya Zandi, MS, Amy Alexander, MD, MS, Liqi Chen, MS, Masha Kocherginsky, PhD, Wilberto Nieves-Neira, MD


Objectives: To evaluate whether an institutionally created video-based educational module will improve obstetrics and gynecology residents’ understanding of surgical anatomy and principles for performing abdominal hysterectomy. Secondary aims included evaluating the trainees’ confidence levels and perceptions before and after the educational experience and ultimately implementing the module into the program curriculum, if successful.

Methods: In this prospective study, postgraduate obstetrics and gynecology resident physicians (n = 27) at the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University were assigned to watch an institutionally created video-based educational module on abdominal hysterectomy before the start of their gynecologic oncology rotation. A knowledge assessment and a postmodule survey were given to participants immediately following the module and repeated at the end of the 4-week rotation.

Results: Participants reported a median rating of 4 (n = 21, interquartile range 4–4) on a 5-point Likert scale when asked to rate the quality of the module. The module also was rated as equally effective both immediately after watching the module and after completing their gynecologic oncology rotation (median 4, interquartile range 3–4 at both times; p = 0.299, Wilcoxon signed rank test). Overall trends revealed that the video module had a greater impact on knowledge of surgical anatomy than on self-reported surgical skills and that postgraduate year 2 and postgraduate year 3 residents benefited more from the intervention.

Conclusions: A video module can be a high-quality and effective educational tool for teaching the surgical principles, anatomy, and steps to perform abdominal hysterectomy to obstetrics and gynecology residents.
Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology81

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