
State Advisory Council: Stakeholders’ Perspective for Shaping the Future of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in Arkansas

Authors: Fatima Ayub, MD, Andrea K. Easom, MNSc, APRN, Manisha Singh, MD


The US Renal Data System (USRDS) reports that 15% of the adult US population has chronic kidney disease (CKD), whereas only 10% of those with CKD know that they have it.1 Timely interventions can prevent the debilitating effects of CKD. This perspective aims to share the experience of an innovative platform created by state stakeholders to address CKD in Arkansas, one of the top 10 rural states in the United States. The platform is called the Arkansas State CKD Advisory Council (ARCKDAC) and was designed to address the various barriers that patients with CKD face in obtaining optimal and timely care and devise methods for addressing a managing team comprising physicians, advanced practitioners, dietitians, pharmacists, insurance company representatives, public health experts, and patient representatives.
Posted in: Nephrology and Urology23 Chronic Kidney Disease4

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