Letter to the Editor

Unsedated Endoscopy

Authors: John J. O'Connor MD, FACS


The editorial remark and article regarding “Unsedated Endoscopy” were interesting and well-written.1,2 It should be noted that the authors do not describe the diameter of the endoscope used. I would agree with the premise that unsedated standard endoscopy could be a problem. The recruiting methods may have shown some bias on the part of the researchers, especially in the section dealing with recruiting of health care professionals.

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1.Madan A, Minocha A. Who is willing to undergo endoscopy without sedation? Patient, nurses, or the physicians? South Med J 2004;97:800–805.
2.Leo R. Unsedated endoscopy: You don’t get a medal for it. South Med J 2004;97:797–798.