Current Concepts

Video Display Terminals: Risk of Electromagnetic Radiation



Abstract Background. Technologic advances have led to increased use of computers at home and in the workplace. It is estimated that more than 100 million workers in the United States and Canada will be using computers daily by the year 2000. Anecdotal reports have suggested a link between video display terminals (VDTs) and disease. This has generated much concern about whether electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by VDTs cause illness among users Methods. We reviewed pertinent articles in the literature Results. Several studies have addressed the role of VDTs in disease causation, specifically whether EMR causes skin or ocular disease or obstetric complications. The data reviewed were inconsistent or methodically flawed. Therefore, a definitive conclusion cannot be drawn to support the hypothesis that EMR produced by VDTs causes disease Conclusions. We believe continued research should be done to further define and elucidate the risk of EMR produced by VDTs

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