Review Article

Healthcare Professionals and In-Flight Medical Emergencies: Resources, Responsibilities, Goals, and Legalities as a Good Samaritan

Common in-flight emergencies include syncope, respiratory symptoms, nausea/vomiting, cardiac symptoms, and seizures. Flight conditions, such as changes in air pressure and humidity, can exacerbate existing chronic medical conditions. In 2017, US airlines carried 849.3 million passengers. Undoubtedly, there were many requests for in-flight medical assistance. Whenever a medical event occurs,…

Editor's Response

Editor’s Response

We have elected to publish Dr McCartney’s Letter to the Editor, wherein he advocates for an open market for the sale of kidneys for transplantation, to again stimulate thought and discussion regarding the ethical nuances of organ transplantation.

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47 Pregnancy36

Original Article

Frequency, Timing, and Types of Medication Ordering Errors Made by Residents in the Electronic Medical Records Era

Objectives: To describe associations between resident level of training, timing of medication orders, and the types of inpatient medication ordering errors made by internal medicine residents. Methods: This study reviewed all inpatient medication orders placed by internal medicine residents at a tertiary care academic medical center from July 2011 to…

Original Article

CME Article: Clinical Utility of Routine Chest X-Rays During the Initial Stabilization of Trauma Patients

Objectives: The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course encourages the use of chest x-ray (CXR) to identify injuries that may change clinical management during the initial stage of trauma resuscitations. Several studies have failed to show benefit for the routine use of CXR without a clinical indication, however. We sought…

Invited Commentary

Commentary on “Prenatal Contraceptive Counseling by Video”

Advances in technology can provide novel platforms for delivering health information and have the potential to transform patient education and counseling. The study by Staley et al in this issue of the Southern Medical Journal examines the impact of video counseling during prenatal care on the uptake of postpartum long-acting…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47 Family Planning & Reproductive Health16

Letter to the Editor

Ebola 101

To the Editor: Ebola virus (EBOV) is a zoonotic filovirus, with fruit bats being the animal reservoir. In recent years, there has been an Ebola epidemic in western Africa, yielding a public health crisis.1 Transmission of the virus to humans requires the direct contact of mucous membranes with the body…

Posted in: Infectious Disease142

Letter to the Editor

Uterine Surrogacy is Morally Equivalent to Selling a Kidney

To the Editor: Uterine surrogacy is accepted in the United States, but it is illegal for an individual to financially benefit from donating a kidney to another person. Both provide the gift of life. For surrogacy, it is a newborn child; for transplantation it is longer life expectancy1 and an…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47 Pregnancy36

Original Article

Radiologic versus Endoscopic Placement of Gastrostomy Tube: Comparison of Indications and Outcomes at a Tertiary Referral Center

Objectives: Percutaneous gastrostomy tube placement is performed in patients requiring long-term enteral nutrition. Although both endoscopic and fluoroscopic techniques may be used, there are inherent risks and potential complications associated with both procedures that are not generally known to referring physicians. The purpose of this study was to compare and…

Posted in: Gastroenterology42

Original Article

A Brochure to Improve Understanding of Incomplete Mammogram Results Among Black Women at a Public Hospital in Miami, Florida

Objectives: Black women are at increased risk of being called back for additional studies after a screening mammogram. With focus group input, we developed a brochure to improve awareness of the frequency of abnormal results. This study explored the brochure’s acceptability and effect on understanding risk and breast cancer fears…

Posted in: Medical Oncology37 Obstetrics and Gynecology47

Original Article

Impact of Inpatient Consults by a Family Medicine Teaching Service

Objectives: Inpatient consult rates by family physicians significantly affect many aspects of medical care. Limited research has investigated the consultant rate by family medicine residents and their impact on length of stay (LOS) and direct cost. This study examines the inpatient consultant rate of family medicine residents. Methods: We conducted…

Original Article

Children’s Age, Family Conflict, and Children’s HbA1c: Are Girls and Boys Different?

Objective: This study examined the relation between children’s sex, age, family conflict, and children’s glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). Methods: Parents of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus were recruited from the diabetes clinic of a midwestern children’s hospital. The survey included demographics and the Diabetes Family Conflict Scale (DFCS). The…

Posted in: Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism34 Diabetes Mellitus5

Original Article

Patients’ Perceptions of the Role of Physicians in Questioning and Educating in Firearms Safety: Post-FOPA Repeal Era

Objectives: In this study, we determined patients’ attitudes toward discussing firearms and issues of firearms safety with emergency department physicians. We assessed whether patients feel discriminated against should physicians discuss firearms safety, and whether they believed that physician counseling may change how patients store firearms. Methods: From June to October…

Original Article

Evaluation of Patients for Zika Virus Infection in a Travel Clinic in the Southeast United States, 2016

Objectives: Zika virus is an emerging infection that has posed vexing challenges to the US public health system. Improved characterization of patients with possible and confirmed infection is needed to better understand risks for infection in US travelers and to inform evolving evaluation guidelines. Methods: We performed a retrospective electronic…

Posted in: Infectious Disease142

Invited Commentary

Commentary on “Evaluation of Patients for Zika Virus Infection in a Travel Clinic in the Southeast United States, 2016”

In 2016, the World Health Organization declared the ongoing Zika virus outbreak in the Americas, the Caribbean, and the Pacific a public health emergency of international concern after identifying a causal association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly in newborns, among other central nervous system abnormalities, and adverse pregnancy outcomes…

Posted in: Infectious Disease142

Original Article

Prenatal Contraceptive Counseling by Video

Objective: Effective postpartum contraception can improve interpregnancy intervals. Opportunities exist for counseling and education during prenatal care. Few studies have assessed the use of multimedia as a tool to improve long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) use postpartum. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether LARC-focused video counseling during prenatal…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47 Family Planning & Reproductive Health16
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