Original Article

Midnight Report: A Novel Faculty-Guided Night Curriculum to Enhance Resident Nighttime Education

Objectives: A large discrepancy exists in resident educational activities between daytime and nighttime medical rotations. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education duty-hour regulations led to the increased adoption of the dedicated nighttime rotation called night float. Nighttime education has largely been negatively perceived by night float medical residents. Although…

Original Article

Does Formal Training in Medical Education and Professional Development Lead to Better Career Outcomes for Clinician Educators?

Objectives: Medical school and residency training programs rely on skilled clinician-educators to provide high-quality educational experiences. In 2002, the University of Pittsburgh’s Institute for Clinical Research Education created a master’s-level degree-granting program in medical education, which now has more than a decade of graduates. Methods: All graduates between 2004 and…


Virtue Ethics and the Physician: Aristotle’s Burnout Antidote?

The physician’s calling adopts the patient as its sole relevance and guiding motivation. Such reverence toward the other as the core dogma of the physician’s vocation is unique among other professions’ foundational ethics and is accomplished many times through the sacrifice of needs of the self or family responsibilities. The…

Posted in: Mental Health44

Original Article

Perceived Barriers to Contraceptive Access and Acceptance among Reproductive-Age Women Receiving Opioid Agonist Therapy in Northeast Tennessee

Objectives: Women with substance use disorders experience unique challenges to contraceptive obtainment and user-dependent method adherence, contributing to higher than average rates of unintended pregnancy. This study estimated the prevalence of barriers to contraception and their associations with contraceptive use and unwanted pregnancies among women receiving opioid agonist therapy (OAT)…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47 Family Planning & Reproductive Health16

Original Article

Keeping Children Safe at Home: Parent Perspectives to Firearms Safety Education Delivered by Pediatric Providers

Objectives: The aims of this study were to assess parent acceptance of firearms education delivered by clinical providers, determine whether parents engage in firearms safety dialog with their children, and evaluate reasons for ownership and storage behaviors. Methods: The parents of children ages 0 to 18 years completed surveys while…

Original Article

Geographic Variations of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Late-Stage Diagnosis of Childhood Cancer in Texas

Objectives: This study aimed to identify small geographic areas where the childhood cancer yearly incidence and late-stage diagnosis rates were disproportionately higher among racial/ethnic minorities (Hispanics and non-Hispanic African Americans) in Texas. Methods: The study examined childhood cancer disparities in Texas from 2005 to 2014, based on geographic location and…

Posted in: Medical Oncology37

Original Article

National Estimates of Noncanine Bite and Sting Injuries Treated in US Hospital Emergency Departments, 2011–2015

Objectives: Injuries resulting from contact with animals are a significant public health concern. This study quantifies and updates nonfatal bite and sting injuries by noncanine sources using the most recent data available (2011–2015) from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program with the purpose of using these updates to…

Review Article

Frequency of Animal Leptospirosis in the Southern United States and the Implications for Human Health

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease with symptoms in humans and animals, ranging from subclinical to serious and fatal. The disease occurs worldwide, but there is limited recognition of the public and animal health risks it poses in the southern United States. A systematic review of the frequency of animal leptospirosis…

Original Article

A Retrospective Study of Students Referred to a Psychiatric Clinic at a College Counseling Center in Appalachia

Objectives: This study describes the clinical problems and psychiatric diagnoses of college students who sought services at a student counseling clinic and were subsequently referred for evaluation by a psychiatrist. Several important psychiatric problems present before leaving for college that could mandate the selection of a college with psychiatric services…

Posted in: Mental Health44

Original Article

CME Article: Frequency of Care Fragmentation and Its Impact on Outcomes in Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis in a Nationally Representative Sample

Objectives: Hospitalized patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis (AP and CP) are prone to frequent readmissions to different hospitals. The rate of care fragmentation and its impact on important outcomes are unknown. The aims of this study were to evaluate the rate and predictors of care fragmentation in patients hospitalized…

Posted in: Gastroenterology42
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