
Expanding Telehealth Capacity during COVID-19 May Have Long-Term Benefits for Rural Health Centers

Evidence suggests that the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) could have a disproportionate impact on rural areas; rural populations tend to be older, have more chronic health conditions, and have a weaker healthcare infrastructure than urban places.1 An unintended consequence of the novel coronavirus pandemic may be a rapid scale-up…

Review Article

Responding to COVID-19: Perspectives on Curricular Changes in a Rural Medical School

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rapidly led to global human devastation, including multiple deaths, sicknesses, and financial reverberations across many individuals and communities. As COVID-19 gained its foothold in the United States, medical school administrators, faculty, and students had to undergo rapid change to mitigate the disease spread, putting all parties…


The Medical Ethics of Poor Supervision

Medical trainees expect to become competent physicians like their professors, most of whom facilitate those goals. A rare, unscrupulous supervisor can eschew the bedside and practice medicine largely from a keyboard. Carefully worded notes pasted into the electronic medical record can disguise this charade. Pedantic mini-lectures outside patient rooms can…

Posted in: Primarily Ethics2


Toward a New Ethic in Global Health Practice: Perspectives from Central America

Consider these situations involving physicians and other healthcare professionals from high-income countries— also known as the “global north,” represented principally by practitioners from the United States, Canada, and Western European countries—working in the lower-middle-income countries of Central America:

Original Article

CME Article: Narrative Medicine Rounds: Promoting Student Well-Being during the Third Year of Medical School

Objectives: Narrative medicine allows physicians and other health providers to share stories and reflect on the practice of medicine. Through the process of reflection and shared storytelling, narrative medicine may promote strategies for well-being and the prevention of physician burnout. Designed to foster skills to promote physician wellness, the required…


Moral Dilemma of a Physician and Mother in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

I am a physician, a cardiology fellow, and a mother of three in the midst of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic at its epicenter in New York City. A lot of people ask me these three questions: How does it feel to be on the frontline of the COVID-19…

Posted in: Primarily Ethics2

Original Article

Exploring Knowledge, Beliefs, and Attitudes about Teen Pregnancy among Latino Parents in Arkansas

Objectives: Arkansas has the highest incidence of teen pregnancy in 15- to 19-year-olds in the United States, and Latinas remain one of the cultural groups that are most at risk of becoming adolescent mothers. Teen mothers and their children are more likely to face poor socioeconomic conditions and negative health…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47 Pregnancy36

Original Article

Patient and Hospital Characteristics of Newborns with Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome

Objectives: We sought to evaluate hospital resource usage patterns and determine risk factors for neonatal withdrawal syndrome (NWS) in the United States. Methods: Using the 2016 Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID), we conducted a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of a nationally representative sample of neonates with NWS. The KID is the largest…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47 Pregnancy36


Presentation with Anosmia and Ageusia: Possible Hidden Carriers of COVID-19

Postviral olfactory loss is the second leading cause of loss of sense of smell (anosmia), accounting for up to 40% of adult cases,1 mostly middle-aged or older women.2 Influenza or common cold viruses, including coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), account for 12% (10%–15%) of individuals with anosmia.3

Posted in: Disorders Of The Nose & Paranasal Sinuses1

Original Article

Association of Renal Clearance with Cerebral White Matter Vascular Disease in Hospitalized Veterans With and Without Delirium

Objectives: To assess the relation between renal function and delirium and to assess and compare the relation between cerebral white matter lesion (WML) and renal function as estimated by three formulas for the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in older adult hospitalized veterans with and without delirium. Methods: Commonly used…

Posted in: Nephrology and Urology21 Vascular Disease1

Original Article

Social Norms and Self-Management Ability among Uninsured Primary Care Patients

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the association between social norms and self-management ability among uninsured low-income primary care patients. Methods: Data were collected from adult patients at a free clinic using a self-administered survey from August to December 2018. Results: Higher levels of social norms to…


Effects of Preoperative WBC Count on Post-CABG Surgery Clinical Outcome: Erratum

The article, “Effects of Preoperative WBC Count on Post-CABG Surgery Clinical Outcome”, which published in the June 2020 issue of Southern Medical Journal on page 305, contained an error in the author byline. The author, Grosman Rimon Liza’s name is incorrect. The correct name should appear as, Liza Grosman-Rimon.

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