Original Article

Relationship between Baseline Physical Activity and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder Treatment Outcomes

Objectives: Generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder often benefit from medication and psychotherapy. Our aim was to determine whether a correlation exists between patient baseline physical activity and response to treatment. Methods: This was a retrospective study that included adult patients with anxiety and depression who received outpatient care…

Original Article

Associations between Sexual Minority Identities, Heterosexism, Identity Concealment, and Depression in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Emerging Adults: Adjusting for the Effects of General Stressors

Objectives: Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals experience stressors distinctively tied to their sexual identities, such as externalized and internalized heterosexism and identity concealment, which are correlated with increased psychological distress, including depression. The present study examined the variance in depression scores resulting from heterosexism, LGB identity concealment, and minority…

Original Article

CME Article: Rise in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Rate Is Associated with Increase in Buprenorphine Prescription Numbers

Objectives: Southern Appalachia is a region of the United States that is disproportionately affected by the opioid epidemic and by increasing rates of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). NAS rates increased approximately 400% between 1999 and 2012. Buprenorphine prescriptions written to treat opioid use disorder also increased dramatically. The present study…

Posted in: Pregnancy34

Original Article

CME Article: Enhanced Notification of Radiographic Incidental Findings in Trauma Does Not Guarantee Follow-Up Compliance

Objectives: Follow-up care for incidental findings (IFs) on trauma computed tomography scans is a component of comprehensive healthcare. Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of our IF predischarge disclosure practice guideline and identify factors contributing to follow-up failure. Methods: This was a secondary analysis of a prospective observational database:…

Review Article

Undergraduate College Pathway Programs Designed to Attract and Matriculate Students from Underrepresented Groups into Medicine

Objectives: Undergraduate college pathway (or pipeline) programs support students’ interests as they explore advanced degree and career pathways. Many programs aim to diversify the medical workforce by reducing barriers that may have otherwise prevented desired academic and career goals; however, variability in structure, expectations, benefits, and outcome data exist. This…

Letter to the Editor

On “Retaining Faculty from Underrepresented Groups in Academic Medicine: Results from a Needs Assessment”

To the Editor: I found the research article “Retaining Faculty from Underrepresented Groups in Academic Medicine: Results from a Needs Assessment” by Childs et al, which emphasized a prominent issue faced by those underrepresented in medicine (URiM)—the retention of minority faculty in academic institutions—to be a valuable and informative read.1…

Original Article

Biennial Endoscopic Surveillance of Gastrointestinal Metaplasia and Its Subtypes Reduces Gastric Cancer Mortality and Is Cost-Effective in a Markov State Transition Model

Objectives: Gastric cancer in the United States has a low survival rate mainly because of the late stage of diagnosis. Furthermore, there are no well-established guidelines concerning screening and surveillance even for higher risk patients such as those with nondysplastic noncardia gastrointestinal metaplasia (GIM), and thus they are not routinely…

Posted in: Gastroenterology43

Original Article

Does Mild Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pneumonia in Healthy Adults Cause Permanent Small Airway Injury?

Objectives: Impulse oscillometry (IOS) is a type of oscillation technique that measures the input impedance (Z) of the respiratory system and can be used to detect pathological changes in the small airways at an early stage. Although coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects the vascular and parenchymal structures in the lung,…

Posted in: Infectious Disease139


White Coat Hypertension: A Benign Finding or a Masked Risk Factor?

A role of the primary care physician is to identify and manage patient risk factors. An easily identified risk factor is hypertension, especially considering its clear association with the development of various negative health outcomes. Studies have clearly demonstrated the benefits gained by the proper control of hypertension among patients,…

Posted in: Hypertension18


Historical Perspective Regarding Health Care of Adults with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

A recent perspective published in the Southern Medical Journal highlights the problem that medical care for adults with intellectual and/or development disabilities (IDD) is suboptimal because clinicians caring for these individuals frequently lack appropriate training to address their unique needs.1 This state of affairs is the result of historical circumstances,…

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