Case Report
Actinomycosis Esophagitis in a Patient with Persistent Dysphagia
Many causes of esophagitis exist in immunocompromised patients. Uncommon pathogens must be considered to facilitate timely and appropriate therapy. A limited number of cases of esophageal actinomycosis have been reported. This report describes an unusual case of esophageal actinomycosis in a patient with persistent dysphagia. The broad differential may have delayed definitive diagnosis in the case study patient. Biopsy and culture are essential for accurate diagnosis. Although actinomycosis is a rare disease, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with oral or esophageal complaints. It may also be considered as an opportunistic infection in immunocompromised patients. The treatment of choice is parenteral penicillin G, 18 to 24 million units for 2 to 6 weeks followed by oral therapy for 6–12 months.1This content is limited to qualifying members.
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