Letter to the Editor
Closure of Round Cutaneous Postoperative Wounds with the Purse String Suture
The intradermal1–3 and cuticular4 purse string sutures are inexpensive, rapid procedures which are easily learned and can be useful for the complete1,2 or partial3,4 closure of cutaneous surgical wounds. They are especially suited for the repair of round, postoperative defects following local excision of a melanoma,2,4 nonmelanomatous skin cancer (such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma),1,3,4 and benign cutaneous neoplasms.4 Indeed, the purse string suture is ideal for postsurgical wounds that are large and might otherwise necessitate either a skin graft with a resulting large donor site, a large local flap, or side-to-side closure with accompanying removal of extensive Burow triangles (Fig. 1A).5This content is limited to qualifying members.
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