Original Article

Evaluation of Multi-Drug Therapy for Leprosy in the United States Using Daily Rifampin

Authors: Mara M. Dacso, MD, MS, Robert R. Jacobson, MD, PhD, David M. Scollard, MD, PhD, Barbara M. Stryjewska, MD, John F. Prestigiacomo, MD


Objectives: To evaluate the occurrence of relapse of multibacillary leprosy after multi-drug treatment including daily rifampin.

Methods: A retrospective review was performed utilizing data from the National Hansen's Disease Program (NHDP) on patients with leprosy treated and followed from 1988-1997 who received multi-drug therapy including daily rifampin. The occurrence of relapse in this cohort was measured, and demographic data and various clinical variables were also gathered.

Results: Ultimately, 158 cases fulfilled the eligibility criteria. 77% of cases were multibacillary patients and were treated with 2 or 3 drug protocols at rates of 36% and 35% before and after 1992, respectively. Only one case of relapse was found, and this patient underwent 2-drug therapy versus 3-drug therapy.

Conclusion: These data are remarkable for the absence of relapse with daily rifampin, as contrasted with the published experience using the WHO protocol with monthly rifampin.

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