Welcome to SMA's abstract library. This library includes video presentations of abstracts presented by Medical Students, Residents, Fellows and Physician Members as part of the Southern Medical Association's Physicians-in-Training program, Annual Scientific Assembly and the Southern Regional Burn Conference. To learn more about SMA's Physicians-In-training opportunities, or to submit an abstract, visit SMA's Physician-in-Training page.
Education // Abstracts
Abstract | March 23, 2023
The Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Prognosis of Wernicke’s Encephalopathy in a Mid-South Teaching Hospital.
35 unique patient cases were identified, and a variety of causes and linkages were explored in data collection. Linked causes to the development of WE include alcoholism, pancreatitis, cachexia from malignancy, hyperemesis gravidarum, hepatitis C, and GI disease causing malabsorption, among others.
Abstract | March 23, 2023
Sensitivity to Aureobasidium Pullulans and the Severity of Asthma with Environmental Risk Factors
A systematic review was conducted using PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science using the search terms “Aureobasidium pullulans” AND rhinosinusitis OR asthma OR rhinitis OR conjunctivitis OR allergic fungal sinusitis OR allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
Abstract | March 23, 2023
Sensitization to Rhizopus stolonifer and the Development of Allergic Conditions
We performed a metanalysis to clarify the role of R. stolonifer in human airway hypersensitivity disorders
Abstract | March 23, 2023
Common Dermatologic Conditions in Athletes
The purpose of this study is to summarize the clinical presentations and treatment associated with common skin dermatoses in athletes.
Abstract | March 23, 2023
Bone Marrow Aspirate with Allograft Cancellous Chips versus Autologous ICBG or RIA in the Treatment of Long Bone Nonunions
To assess union rates between bone marrow aspirate with allograft cancellous chips (BMA-ACC) compared to autologous iliac crest bone grafting (ICBG) and the reamer-irrigator-aspirator (RIA) system in the treatment of long bone nonunion
Abstract | March 23, 2023
Consequences of Both Common and Uncommon Complications of Uncontrolled Hypertension
We present a 63-year-old male poor historian with history of HTN and noncompliance with medication, presenting with episodes of confusion and recurrent falls.
Abstract | March 15, 2023
Choledocholithiasis Found Four Decades Post Cholecystectomy
Cholelithiasis occurs when stones within the gallbladder are present. Choledocholithasis is when a stone is specifically lodged into the common bile duct (CBD). This can result in an obstruction which decreases flow of bile into the duodenum. If stones are symptomatic, a cholecystectomy is performed. In the modern era, cholecystectomy is performed laparoscopically with clips placed on the cystic duct and cystic artery.
Abstract | March 15, 2023
Acute Psychosis Secondary to Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis: A Commonly Underdiagnosed Disorder in Healthy, Young Women
Autoimmune anti-NMDA receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis is a rare paraneoplastic disease often associated with mature cystic (dermoid) teratomas. Though well-documented and treatable, anti-NMDAR encephalitis is underdiagnosed in young, healthy females. A vague prodromal state prior to acute psychotic symptoms can delay diagnosis and expose a previously healthy patient to serious and potentially fatal complications.
Abstract | March 15, 2023
The Implications on the Rate of Hospital Admissions and Financial Outcomes in Patients with Acute cholecystitis during COVID-19 Pandemic
This study aims to investigate the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on the number of acute cholecystitis (AC) cases and the financial burden imposed on patients due to rising healthcare costs in the USA. We hypothesize that the average number of patients admitted for AC will be decreased.
Abstract | March 15, 2023
Use of Point of Care Echocardiogram in Cardiogenic Shock and How It Can Change Management in the Emergency Department
Shock is commonly seen in the emergency department and the ability to quickly determine what kind of shock can be lifesaving in the emergency department (ED). Patients in cardiogenic shock need different treatment than patients with other types of shock. Being able to use bedside echocardiogram to rule in or rule out cardiogenic shock can change management, especially in a rural ED.